Every Voice Counts (EVC) is a global program, which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is being implemented by CARE since 2016 in Burundi, Pakistan, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, this project aims to increase women’s meaningful participation in local decision-making process including Community Development Councils (CDC) and to improve their accessibility to justice and quality of education and health services.
TAGHEER will undertake the End-line evaluation of this program in the next Seven (07) months. TAHGHEER will use an interactive and participatory approach to rigorously analyze the program achievements at the completion stage against the baseline conducted in 2016 and midline carried out in 2018. The evaluation design and framework will be agreed with the CARE Global Evaluation Team in a 4-days workshop in Netherland.
The evaluation, which will be conducted using the OECD DAC criteria will mainly focus on community women and girls, CSOs and networks to represent local women’s issues, DDAs (District Development Assemblies), CDCs (Community Development Councils) and Policy makers at the National level especially the Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) for receiving improved services and their engagement with the EVC program. The evaluation report developed by TAGHEER will serve as an input for the global evaluation report of EVC program in 6 countries.