Our Services


TAGHEER provides robust and bespoke management tools to improve the clients’ performance and experience. By engaging clients, clarifying goals, setting-up objectives and identifying mission-critical actions, we get our clients to their goals faster. We believe that result-oriented, data-driven and consensus-based strategic planning will help our clients perform, manage, and monitor better. We engage them to ensure ownership, so our products / strategies / reports are utilized, while we also provide them post work follow up support to make them learn from their interventions; both successes and failures. We are accountable, yet flexible, to adapt to the changing needs of our clients to meet their expectations. We engage a team of task leads and subject matter experts to support our clients and contractors in the below areas:

  • Act as your local partner to implement projects jointly
  • M&E frameworks and PMPs development
  • Paid job placements and internships
  • SMEs support and Development
  • Handle your paperwork
  • Translation services


Our M&E system is designed to collect and analyze data to measure the achievement of project targets against work plan and indicators at activity, output and outcome levels. This involves collecting, analyzing, and sharing data / information, with feedback from clients and stakeholders integrated in our reports for data utilization, learning & improvement, and better decision making for future planning.

Our M&E plan serves as our roadmap for site visits, where we agree with our clients on monitoring frequency, field visit protocols, and data presentation / reporting needs. We perform evidence-based data collection using a camera eye and technology to add to data quality, speed and accuracy.

We implement a PROVE, IMPROVE, and LEARN approach to ensure our M&E services are unbiased by PROVING project/site information based on authentic data to help our clients IMPROVE their performance, and for all to LEARN and adjust future strategies. Our TPM&E services include real-time project monitoring, performance & mid-term reviews, as well as end-line & impact evaluations.


TAGHEER conducts feasibility studies, social research, baseline assessments, and perception surveys to inform clients to invest into appropriate interventions. Our assessments’ design extract real time information and consider the local context, demographics, and gender and power dynamics to analyze the degree of relevance and comparison of the market situation to the clients’ priorities and plans for forward planning.

We focus on providing actionable recommendations for decision-making. Our efforts help our clients learn, adapt, and improve their plans and future interventions as our focus from the outset remains: How our clients will use our information / reports for better decision making and future planning?

Our research / assessments range from traditional snapshots to highly participatory studies and complex designs using quasi experiments, descriptive, and correlational methods.


Developing human capacity via guided training programs and long-term coaching is another area of TAGHEER’s focus. Our Training programs provide demand driven skills to the industry workforce and jobseekers to enhance their skills-set for improved performance. We engage participants using a problem-based methodology during the training delivery for active listening, learning, and skills application.

For a successful training program, we consider the below steps.

  • Designing a training program/agenda
  • Detailed content development and case studies
  • Training hall set up and other logistics
  • In-class training facilitation mixed with real-time field visits
  • Training feedback session for learning and improvement